Name   Lost Souls
Character Sheet
Profession Spy Lost Soul Type Specter
Defence 11
Will To Live 12
Wounds 00000 00000
00000 00000
00000 00000
00000 00000
Starting Karma 10
Current Karma  
Karma Supernatual Power Uses Times/day
Charnel Breath
Talent Question (Dur: (target's Intelligence vs user's Interrogation) x 2 turns, Range: Brawling)   Four / day
Other Graveyard Shift   Two / day
Agility : 14 Alertness : 16 Charm : 13 Cunning : 15 Dexterity : 13 Fate : 4
Dodge : 7
Jump : 7
Quickness : 7
Stealth : 14
Empathy : 8
Listen : 16
Search : 8
Track : 8
Bargain : 7
Entertain : 7
Interrogate : 7
Persuade : 13
Conceal : 15
Disguise : 15
Lie : 8
Mimic : 8
Aim : 13
Filch : 7
Forgery : 7
Unlock : 13
Artistry : 2
DangerSense : 2
FaithHeal : 2
Occult : 2
Intelligence : 7 Knowledge : 5 Mechanical : 18 Nature : 6 Stamina : 8 Strength : 13
Medical : 7
Memory : 7
Sanity : 4
Science : 4
Customs : 3
Folklore : 3
Languages : 3
Religion : 3
Drive : 9
Electronics : 9
Repair : 9
Traps : 9
Animals : 3
Caves : 3
Direction : 3
Tame : 3
Athletics : 4
Run : 4
Swimming : 4
Will : 4
Brawling : 13
Bully : 13
Climb : 7
Ride : 7
Roll Cata Pathetic Feeble Inferior Poor Passable Good Great Superior Awesome
1 1-30 31-56 57-73 74-86 87-95 96-97 98 99 00 -
2 1-20 21-48 49-66 67-80 81-90 91-93 94-96 97-98 99 00
3 1-15 16-39 40-59 60-74 75-85 86-90 91-94 95-97 98-99 00
4 1-12 13-29 30-52 53-68 69-80 81-87 88-93 94-97 98-99 00
5 1-10 11-24 25-45 46-62 63-75 76-84 85-91 92-96 97-99 00
6 1-9 10-22 23-36 37-56 57-70 71-80 81-88 89-94 95-98 99-00
7 1-8 9-19 20-32 33-50 51-65 66-76 77-85 86-92 93-97 98-00
8 1-7 8-17 18-29 30-43 44-60 61-72 73-82 83-90 91-96 97-00
9 1-6 7-15 16-26 27-39 40-55 56-68 69-79 80-88 89-95 96-00
10 1-6 7-14 15-24 25-36 37-50 51-64 65-76 77-86 87-94 95-00
11 1-5 6-12 13-21 22-32 33-46 47-61 62-75 76-86 87-94 95-00
12 1-5 6-11 12-19 20-29 30-42 43-58 59-73 74-84 85-93 94-00
13 1-4 5-10 11-17 18-26 27-38 39-55 56-71 72-83 84-93 94-00
14 1-4 5-9 10-16 17-24 25-35 36-51 52-69 70-82 83-93 94-00
15 1-3 4-8 9-15 16-22 23-32 33-47 48-66 67-80 81-92 93-00
16 1-3 4-7 8-13 14-20 21-29 30-43 44-63 64-78 79-91 92-00
17 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-26 27-39 40-55 56-76 77-90 91-00
18 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-16 17-23 24-35 36-50 51-72 73-89 90-00
19 1-2 3-4 5-8 9-13 14-20 21-31 32-45 46-68 69-87 88-00
20 1 2-3 4-6 7-11 12-17 18-27 28-40 41-61 62-85 86-00
21 1 2 3-5 6-9 10-14 15-23 24-35 36-56 57-82 83-00
22 1 2 3-4 5-7 8-11 12-19 20-30 31-50 51-78 79-00
23 - 1 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-16 17-26 27-45 46-71 72-00
24 - - 1 2-3 4-5 6-12 13-22 23-40 41-66 67-00
25 - - - 1 2 3-9 10-18 19-36 37-61 62-00


At Hand


Carrying Capacity 3

Code book
9mm pistol (x4 damage
1 poison capsule
false ID
dinner jacket or gown
20 aspirin (heal 1 WTL each)
roll of microfilm
martini glass

Sex: Female
Age: 46
Height: Short
Weight: Thin
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Blonde
Style: Long & wavy
Key feature: Cane or walking stick
Trait: Diplomatic
Trait: Polite
Consistency : Solid-looking
Visage : Cadaverous
Interests (4)
Cause of death : Accidentally swallowed cyanide capsule instead of aspirin.
Unfinished Business : Want to tell your boss off once and for all.
Life & Death
Hid $100,000 in your mattress.
Hid evidence that Brother-in-law was a Nazi collaborator.
You owe a Younger sister $10,000.
Treasure a piece of jewelry.
Treasure a garment.
Haunted by a dark secret from the past.

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Creative Commons License Lost Souls by Joe Williams & Kathleen Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Creative Commons LicenseCharacter sheet by Colin Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.