Name   Lost Souls
Character Sheet
Profession Artist Lost Soul Type Banshee
Defence 12
Will To Live 22
Wounds 00000 00000
00000 00000
00000 00000
00000 00000
Starting Karma 19
Current Karma  
Karma Supernatual Power Uses Times/day
Talent Discern (Dur: (Passable vs Alertness) x 2 minutes, Range: Self)   Four / day
Other Graveyard Shift   Two / day
Agility : 8 Alertness : 13 Charm : 13 Cunning : 13 Dexterity : 19 Fate : 6
Dodge : 4
Jump : 4
Quickness : 8
Stealth : 4
Empathy : 7
Listen : 7
Search : 7
Track : 7
Bargain : 7
Entertain : 13
Interrogate : 7
Persuade : 13
Conceal : 7
Disguise : 13
Lie : 7
Mimic : 13
Aim : 10
Filch : 10
Forgery : 19
Unlock : 10
Artistry : 6
DangerSense : 3
FaithHeal : 3
Occult : 3
Intelligence : 9 Knowledge : 9 Mechanical : 5 Nature : 8 Stamina : 16 Strength : 13
Medical : 5
Memory : 5
Sanity : 5
Science : 5
Customs : 9
Folklore : 9
Languages : 5
Religion : 5
Drive : 3
Electronics : 3
Repair : 3
Traps : 3
Animals : 4
Caves : 4
Direction : 4
Tame : 4
Athletics : 16
Run : 8
Swimming : 8
Will : 16
Brawling : 7
Bully : 7
Climb : 13
Ride : 7
Roll Cata Pathetic Feeble Inferior Poor Passable Good Great Superior Awesome
1 1-30 31-56 57-73 74-86 87-95 96-97 98 99 00 -
2 1-20 21-48 49-66 67-80 81-90 91-93 94-96 97-98 99 00
3 1-15 16-39 40-59 60-74 75-85 86-90 91-94 95-97 98-99 00
4 1-12 13-29 30-52 53-68 69-80 81-87 88-93 94-97 98-99 00
5 1-10 11-24 25-45 46-62 63-75 76-84 85-91 92-96 97-99 00
6 1-9 10-22 23-36 37-56 57-70 71-80 81-88 89-94 95-98 99-00
7 1-8 9-19 20-32 33-50 51-65 66-76 77-85 86-92 93-97 98-00
8 1-7 8-17 18-29 30-43 44-60 61-72 73-82 83-90 91-96 97-00
9 1-6 7-15 16-26 27-39 40-55 56-68 69-79 80-88 89-95 96-00
10 1-6 7-14 15-24 25-36 37-50 51-64 65-76 77-86 87-94 95-00
11 1-5 6-12 13-21 22-32 33-46 47-61 62-75 76-86 87-94 95-00
12 1-5 6-11 12-19 20-29 30-42 43-58 59-73 74-84 85-93 94-00
13 1-4 5-10 11-17 18-26 27-38 39-55 56-71 72-83 84-93 94-00
14 1-4 5-9 10-16 17-24 25-35 36-51 52-69 70-82 83-93 94-00
15 1-3 4-8 9-15 16-22 23-32 33-47 48-66 67-80 81-92 93-00
16 1-3 4-7 8-13 14-20 21-29 30-43 44-63 64-78 79-91 92-00
17 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-26 27-39 40-55 56-76 77-90 91-00
18 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-16 17-23 24-35 36-50 51-72 73-89 90-00
19 1-2 3-4 5-8 9-13 14-20 21-31 32-45 46-68 69-87 88-00
20 1 2-3 4-6 7-11 12-17 18-27 28-40 41-61 62-85 86-00
21 1 2 3-5 6-9 10-14 15-23 24-35 36-56 57-82 83-00
22 1 2 3-4 5-7 8-11 12-19 20-30 31-50 51-78 79-00
23 - 1 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-16 17-26 27-45 46-71 72-00
24 - - 1 2-3 4-5 6-12 13-22 23-40 41-66 67-00
25 - - - 1 2 3-9 10-18 19-36 37-61 62-00


At Hand


Carrying Capacity 3

Sketch pad
black turtleneck sweater
Artist Magazine featuring a favorable review
vanity mirror

Sex: Male
Age: 44
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Eyes: Black
Hair: Bald
Style: Short & curly
Key feature: Wears one color
Trait: Forgetful
Trait: Flippant
Consistency : Translucent
Visage : Haggard
Interests (4)
Cause of death : Tripped while ascending stairs because nose was too far up in the air.
Unfinished Business : Your great novel is hidden in an attic trunk; will it ever be published now?
Life & Death
You just got back together with your You were two-timing..
Your You killed enemy's loved one. is deceased.
You saved Friend, who is an Average Joe or Josie,'s life.
Your Enemy injured you. is a stranger.
Responsible for death of Lover was kidnapped..
Avid conspiracy buff.

Name your character ~ Choose additional powers if available ~ Choose a Sanctum ~ Choose four free specialties (interests)

Creative Commons License Lost Souls by Joe Williams & Kathleen Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Creative Commons LicenseCharacter sheet by Colin Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.